Brent Inman's Blessing in Haiti
After finishing a shade house ahead of schedule, finishing a mountain hike with Haitian guides to see a beautiful sunrise, a new day dawning on a Haitian village, and just lovin’ on the Haitian children. We were asked to go to the airport to assist with unloading two planes loaded with food that was to be delivered to different orphanages. To be exact it was 85,000 lbs of rice, 42,500 lbs of beans and close to 1200 boxes of Kids against Hunger food that were going to many places to feed children. Sounds like a lot right, even here that is a lot, but in a country that needs food so badly, think of how that would look lined up on a runway. Who would have thought, God can use the unlikeliest of us to do His will. When I say unlikely, would you pick a lady in a walker, a teenage girl, an early 20’s guy, an 8 year old Haitian boy, an unbelieving Embassy worker, a Haitian driver and me to help deliver this food? God pulls the most unlikely group together so He gets the credit. It makes me kind of laugh and feel so blessed at the same time. Here we are, a small truck loaded with food, driving through a country of unrest that needs food so badly, and we are driving through the streets, villages and checkpoints not even concerned, having a peace that surpasses all understanding. I think of armed UN soldiers unloading food, at the same time we were from another plane, armed UN soldiers outside to protect their men from harm, and here we are in an open truck and school bus, loaded with food driving to a destination that God had picked out for us and not concerned at all. To be totally honest, not even thinking of any of this until I laid down my head that evening to pray before going to sleep.
God has a way of giving peace, when we need it the most and not even knowing to ask for it. One more way to shows how he cares for us and that he is Sovereign. I am so glad he loves me.
Psalm 121:8
"The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. "