Friday, September 17, 2010

We have had a report from Faith Home in Honduras that the house parents and children are growing two crops per year in the shade house. Below are a couple of pictures of cucumber vines in the shade house and a pile of cucumbers that were harvested. They also had a good corn crop to enjoy some traditional dishes and a quantity to dry for use in making tortillas. We are planning on sending down a walk behind tiller to help with the garden cultivation.

At Bombardopolis Haiti the Steve Leach has had a pretty good year with gardening. He raised a couple of dozen heads of cabbage in pots and we will be sending some drip pans or saucers to use with the pot planting. This will help conserve water. We also have a quantity of seed that will be darried in this fall. Material for two small shade houses have been loaded onto a shipping container for Haiti. The January team will construct the two units for two gardeners at Ti Paradis.

Locally the community garden project has gone pretty well. Tomatoes, watermelons, squash, peppers, and herbs have been produced. Cool weather crops have been planted in the beds in the greenhouse and soon it will be time to enclose the ends in plastic and prepare for winter.

Faith Home shade house

Mission Statement

Mission Statement MISSION STATEMENT OF SFP As Christ’s ministers we dedicate ourselves to the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We further dedicate ourselves to set a Godly example to those we serve through a Christian lifestyle, bear witness of what Christ has done in our lives, and share the Gospel message with the lost. We pledge ourselves to respect the work of other ministries, to lift them up in prayer, and to work with them for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom. We further pledge to be good stewards of the monies with which we are entrusted and to hold ourselves accountable to God and to those who contribute to this ministry. We seek no glory other than that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God the Father. Sustainable Food Production, SFP, is a Christian based organization dedicated to helping people help themselves by growing better gardens and healthier livestock. We are a small group of believers representing several church denominations and operating as a part of Global Compassion Ministries. Our goal is to introduce improved gardening techniques, provide quality seed, and improve goat and chicken production in order to strengthen families and promote food production independence. Our work includes but is not be limited to: Soil and water conservation Soil improvement Building plant beds for intensive gardening Building both large and family size shade type green houses Experimenting with new crops and improved varieties of current crops Animal husbandryIsaiah 58:10If you extend you soul to the hungryAnd satisfy the afflicted soul.Then your light shall dawn in darkness,And your darkness shall be as the noonday.